Tutoring & Training

Offering tutoring & Training Services
Providing On-Demand, Quality Computer Training
- We provide ongoing quality, relevant application-specific tutoring or training on demand as the situation warrants it when we provide onsite Windows and Mac computer & network support and service, data backup & recovery, IT / managed services, or any other inquired-about service that we may perform, i.e., spreadsheet design for analysis or calculation in a PowerPoint presentation, or a WordPress (WP) web page editing, or a plug-in adjustment, or help with even organizing a PC or Mac to increase productivity or just keyboarding.
- We do this by listening, using intuition, and empathizing with you, where we find out how you learn and what is specific and important to you in the moment, or as planned in advance of an appointment at our location or yours. Our ethics in this, is that it is a must for the customer to have a ‘hands-on’ approach, where you take back what you hear and put it into practice - to maximize your experience with the money you spend. Of course, you can ask all the questions you want, and we’ll respond in the best way you can grasp and apply the concepts. Depending on the learning you realize, opportunities can arise from it contributing to a multitude of possibilities
Easy to Follow Instruction
We Make Learning Fun and Engaging
- We make this fun for you and us. It’s a happy time. When this is achieved, there’s synergy; it’s also a relationship-building time where you can save hours of unnecessary instruction or learning where you can be specific, or we can select what you need. Confidence is felt, fostering a better or right understanding of principles and objectives where you know ultimately that you can proceed further on with the application and know how to approach it in the future and beyond.
- Individual, small group, or class-sized opportunities are welcome. Tell us your needs so that we can gear it for you and provide the right instruction.
- We relish it when ‘you get it’ and are in the driver’s seat with a high level of motivation, seeing you apply yourself like never before.

We Offer quality at CCT
We Pride Ourselves On Our Strong Dedication to Providing Tutoring Or Training
- ‘All walks of life’ successfully learn from the tutoring or training approaches we provide, addressing their concerns, needs, and things to accomplish in a timely manner as we inquire where the pressure or stress points are, quickly discern where the challenge is, and motivate or lift you on from there, depending on how things are grasped and mastered.
- An example of this is where we typically begin with an initial assessment as per our job in working with you, performing tasks, communicating with you, and developing rapport, where we gauge the knowledge and skills you already have from the responses we learn about you. We then determine what training you may need in order to reach your goals and what is necessary, depending on the amount of time you want to spend. We work and teach at your pace, and we get you where you need to be with the task.
- Structured courses are not supported at this time; however, if you are participating in them, we can provide insight and guidance.
Whether it be organizing data or working with you regarding any information, all interactions are confidential, whether spoken, written, electronic, or of any other kind, so that you can be confident when we see documents, photos, video, music, database files, Outlook or Thunderbird e-mails, etc., that we keep them sacred; not only that, but we do not have a photographic memory. People and companies choose us, which has resulted in higher or accelerated learning. Our pricing and process are straightforward.
Learning right is crucial in the way you need it so it’s accomplished properly, where you do not need to unlearn it as it was full of errors or misinformation; your needs are prioritized for your task to have it done expediently. This is why we are considered to be the best in the business regarding tutoring and training, as we make sure of maximum success possible, so you can trust us at CCT with your next request.