Tutoring & Training


Offering tutoring & Training Services

Providing On-Demand, Quality Computer Training

Easy to Follow Instruction

We Make Learning Fun and Engaging


We Offer quality at CCT

We Pride Ourselves On Our Strong Dedication to Providing Tutoring Or Training

Whether it be organizing data or working with you regarding any information, all interactions are confidential, whether spoken, written, electronic, or of any other kind, so that you can be confident when we see documents, photos, video, music, database files, Outlook or Thunderbird e-mails, etc., that we keep them sacred; not only that, but we do not have a photographic memory. People and companies choose us, which has resulted in higher or accelerated learning.  Our pricing and process are straightforward.

Learning right is crucial in the way you need it so it’s accomplished properly, where you do not need to unlearn it as it was full of errors or misinformation; your needs are prioritized for your task to have it done expediently.  This is why we are considered to be the best in the business regarding tutoring and training, as we make sure of maximum success possible, so you can trust us at CCT with your next request.

Call us now to get you closer to the solution that you need from us at CCT.  We are experienced professionals.  The process starts with us.